Ah, some peace, quiet, and privacy in the bathroom. Just as you’re about to turn on the sink to wash the day off your face, you come eyeball to eyeball with a monster cockroach!
No one wants to unwind with a room full of bathroom bugs!
As pest extermination experts, we understand the home invasion feeling and want to help you get rid of these annoying insects and feel at peace in the privacy of your bathroom once again.
Common Bathroom Pests
A common bathroom is an attractive environment for some of the grossest pests you’ll find in your home. The humidity, moisture, and water sources invite pests like bugs, ants, cockroaches, spiders, and silverfish.
Cockroaches in Arizona
The most common household cockroaches you may come across are the German cockroach (a.k.a the indoor roach), the American cockroach (a.k.a the sewer roach), the Turkestan cockroach (a.k.a the outdoor roach) and the Brownbanded cockroach, which also prefers the indoors.
These pests prefer the water that is available in the bathroom, especially near the drains in the bathtub and sink.
These pests are known to carry bacteria such as E. coli and Salmonella that can cause very unpleasant symptoms if humans get contaminated.
If you’ve tried cockroach control to no avail, then you may need to call in the cockroach exterminator to rid the issue once and for all for your health and safety.
To prevent cockroaches and other pests from landing in your bathroom, keep the area as dry as possible, and cover the drains.
Ants in Arizona
It’s amazing the different types of ants there are, 700 to be exact! Arizona is subject to a wide variety of them too, but the most common you will find in your bathroom is the carpenter ant.
Attracted to the warm and humid environment of the bathroom, carpenter ants particularly like to feast off of wet wood.
If you’re seeing an influx of ants in your bathroom, it’s time to call your local pest control services to inspect and treat your home right away – these bathroom bugs colonize at a fast pace and the pros should handle the exterminating before any more damage is done.
Spiders in Your Bathroom Floor
What’s interesting here is that spiders are not particularly fond of the moist environment in your bathroom, just the other insects that are, like silverfish.
So, does that mean that you have your extermination service hanging around your bathroom who is on the prowl for its next victim? Or do you have a bigger problem than you thought?
Usually, home pest management solutions can do the trick, but professional pest control companies can scope out the area to see if there is something more serious going on.
Silverfish Swimming in Your Bathroom
Well here’s food for thought, silverfish are concerned with the mold that may be present in your bathroom, which is part of their diet.
They also like the stagnant water found around drains. The best way to prevent silverfish from feasting in your bathroom is to treat the area for mold, clean up stagnant water, and cover drains.
Drain Fly Infestation
Drain flies (moth flies) are small, dark-winged, non-biting gnats. They are noticeable due to the disoriented way of flying with their shield-like wings above their bodies.
Since most insects prefer to inhabit moist or humid areas with food supply, your bathroom is an ideal spot for drain flies.
The water or moisture in your bathroom floor has the ideal temperature and humidity conditions for drain flies. The biofilm, dead body cells, and other organic substances within the drains serve as their food supply.
Drain flies typically have their outdoor homes in the compost piles, sewer pipes, wet mops, and other moist surfaces outside where they can lay eggs. They usually enter your bathroom through open crevices, windows, drainpipes, and other entry points.
The easiest pest control method against drain flies on your bathroom floor is to cover all possible entry points. To fully get rid of their horde inside and outside your home, it’s best to call a bathroom pest control professional to fully exterminate them.
Tips to Control Household Pests
- Eliminate all causes of excess moisture.
- Increase ventilation through fan use.
- Fix any leaky pipes or faucets and malfunctioning sink, toilet, and bathtub.
- Seal all cracks and crevices.
- Fix broken window screens.
- Replace any broken tiles.
- Keep the bathroom clean, including drains and toilets.
- Wash shower curtains and liners.
If You Value Your Privacy, Call the Pros for the Best Preventative Pest Management

Patriot Pest & Termite Control is a leading Arizona pest extermination company proudly serving Prescott and surrounding areas.
We want you to enjoy the comfort of your home without the threat of infestation of disease and bacteria-carrying pests.
Need help getting these black bugs and pests out of your home? Get in touch now!