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Protect Your Home: Understanding Scorpion Hibernation

when do scorpions hibernate

Scorpions are fascinating creatures that play an essential role by controlling insect populations—but let’s be honest, we don’t want them in our homes. One aspect of scorpion behavior that is important for homeowners to know is their hibernation process. When do scorpions hibernate? And how does this impact their presence around residential homes? In this […]

Fall is Here: Here’s How to Prevent a Cockroach Problem

cockroaches pest control in the fall

Fall is finally here, and with it comes cooler weather, cozy sweaters, and pumpkin spice everything. But unfortunately, fall also brings something a lot less desirable—cockroach infestations.  These pesky bugs always seem to make their way into our homes just as the leaves start to change color, so let’s explore why cockroaches infestations occur in […]

7 Signs Your Home Has Termites

Termites in wood

Termites cause millions of dollars in damage to homes every year—in fact, a homeowner who experiences them spends $3,000 on average for repairs. According to the National Pest Management Association, “termites alone cause $5 billion in property damage annually”. This is why it’s so important to know the signs that termites are present. If you […]

5 Reasons You Need Preventative Pest Control for Your New Build

A new build that needs pest control to fix damaged wall from infestation.

Building a new home can be a costly endeavor, but an infestation of pests can make it even more of a financial undertaking.  The added burden on your wallet and personal time can make the building process a nightmare. If that’s not convincing enough, below are five reasons why homeowners should invest in professional preventative […]

5 Pests to Watch Out for in Arizona This Summer

Ants infestation in Prescott Valley that needs pest control

Living in Prescott Valley, Arizona has many perks: access to outdoor recreation, beautiful desert landscapes, and comfortable weather year-round. But it’s not all sunshine and flowers—pests can also be a problem here in the summer months that distract you from the beauty around. Common pests in Prescott that you need to be aware of include […]

5 Tips for Getting Rid of Spiders in Your Arizona Home

spider pest control

Spiders may be small, but they can cause big problems in Arizona homes. And without the right knowledge and resources, it can be put on the back burner as a procrastination project. That’s why we’ve put together some tips to help homeowners take control of their spider problem before they have to call spider pest […]

What to Expect with Scorpion Control in Prescott, AZ

scorpion on Arizona sand

The last thing you want during your peaceful slumber is to find a scorpion crawling around your bedroom. If you’ve asked yourself “Are there scorpions in Prescott, AZ?” The answer is yes. Arizona has about 40-60 species of scorpions that come out at night to hunt for food. They hide under rocks and debris during […]

What Happens During A Termite Inspection

pest control Arizona homes

Bothered by the chewing sounds in your walls lately? Saw a few holes in your wood walls?  Bad news: Termites may have invaded your household. According to a Consumer Affairs report, termites damage around 600,000 homes in the U.S. annually, and residents usually spend $5 billion on termite control and repair service. If you want […]

How To Get Rid of Pack Rats: 7 Signs of Infestation and Tips to Get Rid of Them

pack rats signs - how to get rid of pack rats

Some people may think that rats are cute, harmless little furry creatures that scurry around from time to time.  Some may even think they would make a great pet. Patriot Pest & Termite Control would like to thoroughly warn you of the dangers of pack rats found in Northern Arizona.  Unlike the common roof rats […]